Might be old 2 u. but its awesome 2 me
This is nicly done madness tribute, with an assloada action, violence, fury, and MADNESS.
Ok so the begain was a lil bit speedy, but i sorta felt the Fury tht the protagenist has got, but i supose no1 should critisixe u abou tht now, tht thy seen ur more improve madness film, like the collabs.
but anyways, I Find the plot interesting by readin the bios and storyline, etc.
i like the lot of charecters. Freddy Stones the Tony Montana of Madnass. The Smurf made me lol.
The Fights very kool. espaically at Freddy Vs. Zombie Scene with some slow motion.
i lol at Hank comin in somehow. but i like tht Army Shotgun (i don't know wht its called) did u design it. I also loved Freddy Furiouslly Blasting with those micro Uzi's, and i saw message poppin up sayin on top of an owned guy " Pwned, Owned, lol" or something like tht, The End Scene wosn't tht bad, its was quite cliff hanggin.
Overall Great Film. lookin 4ward 2 Onsation:)